Thursday, July 16, 2015

Children, Teachers of the Present and Future!

 Children....the magical creatures of the future!

Much of working with amazing working dogs involves Public Relations appearances.  I have learned over the years what works with what dogs.  I certainly advocate doing outreach as a form of education.  Children are the conduit to send information to adults.  Little people have not lost the ability to dream, imagine and speak.  They love to tell about things they learn and will tell anyone who will listen. The excitement in their voices is contagious if you take the time to really listen.  We as adults have learned how to multi task and often miss out on what the kiddos are telling us.  

I always smile when I encounter a child who is telling his or her parent about one of the dogs and what they do.  It makes my job easy because it is coming from a child's perspective and seems so much more exciting.  Children see the world with awe and wonder.  They have not grown skeptical and bitter from years of reality of life.  Most remain innocent and dream of great things. Fairies, Super Heroes and Mystical Creatures still exist in their minds.  Perhaps all adults could learn valuable lessons from our youngest generation.  Learn tolerance, learn to imagine, dream and become color blind.  We could all benefit from learning to accept that sometimes just because we don't agree doesn't make us wrong-just different.  In a World full of anger and hate the children of the Nation still remain our greatest gift and are the future.   

I challenge all the adults reading this to take a moment to listen to a child today-really listen!  Stop what you are doing and truly engage in the moment.  In an age of electronics we lose ourselves to the to the email and to do list at our fingertips never recognizing the example we set for those who watch our every move.  We forget to slow down and breathe-I am guilty of becoming victim to the new age frenzy to remain connected yet disconnected from what matters.  It is such an ingrained form of life that, I too get lost in the ability to have every moment of the day consumed with a virtual world of connection.  I am realizing that the more connected I am to the electronic gadgets, the less connected I am to the people who matter most.  I can be reached at all hours of the day via, cell, text, email, message, alert.....I have the power to stop the madness!  I am making a conscious effort to unplug each day and spend time listening and talking with the people who matter.  

As a society, the days of calling someone to say "I love you" or "Happy Birthday" is a thing of the past.  We would rather text or message or post on social media never realizing that the lack of reaching out to the ones we care about, is setting the stage for our children to continue the trend of losing human interaction.  I was struck by the realization that for the two hours I was at the "Hometown Heroes" event hosted by Winter's Library and the Optimist Club, I did not look at emails and texts but rather engaged in the community members and their children who came out to see the dogs.  These  photographs captured by my talented friend, Nick, reminded me of how important it is to remain connected to the children we have the honor to interact with.  To truly listen to their stories, thoughts and ideas.  They are our future and if we don't teach them to be engaged with nature, people and life....who will?  

This blog was inspired by the children who came out yesterday and reminded me to stop and smell the roses!  Life is not always about the next deadline but rather about embracing the moments-and just noticing the life lesson.  Tau had a great time meeting everyone and we can't wait to spend more time learning from the children we encounter on this journey!  

Now, unplug, and take a walk with a child-the very best moments will be inspired by their thoughts and dreams!

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